username = project.findProperty("repoUsername") as
Warning: Hardcoded secrets or credentials found in the source code. Hardcoding sensitive information such as passwords, tokens, and API keys can expose secrets and increase the risk of data leaks.
password = project.findProperty("repoPassword") as
val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDe
keyStore.load(null, null)
private static final Path basePath = Paths.get(Sys
// Show save dialog and get the user's choice
int userSelection = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(nul
this.className = className;
String className;
return className;
itemFiles.add(new ItemFile(specificLocation, ext,
String className;
this.className = className;
return className;
public static void addToReport(String cweCode, Str
String cweCode = entry.getKey();
// Grouping reports by CWE Code
String cweCode = entry.getKey();
String ext = entry.getKey();
String cweLabels = cweCounts.keySet()
String cweLabels = cweCounts.keySet()
// Grouping reports by CWE Code
String cweCode = entry.getKey();
// .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(ext -
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(ext -> ext, Collect
String msg = "Warning: Hardcoded secrets or creden
"and API keys can expose secrets and increase the
private static final Pattern KEYWORD_PATTERN = Pat
List sensitiveKeys = Arrays.asList("passwo
"auth_token", "token", "session_token", "oauth_tok
"secret_key", "api_token", "jwt_token", "jwt_secre
"ssh_key", "rsa_key", "dsa_key", "ecdsa_key", "x50
"secret_access_key", "security_key", "symmetric_ke
"authentication", "login", "userid", "user_id", "u
"license_key", "account_number", "bank_account", "
this.vulnerabilities = Vulnerabilities.HARDCODED_S
private final List ignoredKeys =
if (
Matcher matcher = KEYWORD_PATTERN.matcher(line);
new HardCodedSecretDetector(),
new WeakAlgorithm("(?i)Cipher\\s*\\.\\s*getInstanc
new WeakAlgorithm("(?i)Cipher\\s*\\.\\s*getInstanc
new WeakAlgorithm("(?i)KeyPairGenerator\\s*\\.\\s*
new WeakAlgorithm("(?i)KeyPairGenerator\\s*\\.\\s*
public String className;
className = pathStr;
className = pathStr.replace(SourceSet.SEP, ".")
Reports.detect("",extName, className);
return (Config.outputFileFormat == OutputFileForma
message, priority, className, extName);
message, vulnerabilities.getPriority(), className,
HARDCODED_SECRETS("Hardcoded Secrets and Credentia
public static final String PINK = Config.outputFil
public static final String BRIGHT_PINK = Config.ou